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Japanese women slimmer American women getting bigger
TOKYO — As women in the United States and across the industrialized world get fatter, most Japanese women are
getting skinnier. Still, many view themselves as overweight. “I am
quite fat, actually,” said Michie Takagi, a 70-year-old grandmother and
retired clothing store executive. She has a body mass index (BMI) of
19.9, which is at the thin end of normal. While the average American
woman has gained about 25 pounds over the past 30 years, Takagi has
gained 4.5 pounds, typical for her age cohort in Japan, according to
U.S. and Japanese government figures.
Skinnier still are Japanese women
younger than 60, who were thin by international standards three decades
ago and who, taken as a group, have since been steadily losing weight.
The trend is most pronounced among women in their 20s. A
quarter-century ago, they were twice as likely to be thin as overweight;
now they are four times more likely to be thin. For U.S. women of all
ages, obesity rates have about doubled since 1980, rising from 17
percent to 35 percent.
pressure — women looking critically at other women — is the most
important reason female skinniness is ascendant in Japan, according to
Hisako Watanabe, a child psychiatrist and assistant professor of
pediatrics at the Keio University School of Medicine in Tokyo. “Japanese women are
outstandingly tense and critical of each other,” said Watanabe, who has
spent 34 years treating women with eating disorders. “There is a
pervasive habit among women to monitor each other with a serious sharp
eye to see what kind of slimness they have.”
Public health experts say that younger Japanese women,
as a group, have probably become too skinny for their own good.
Restricted calorie consumption is slowing down their metabolisms, the
average birth weight of their babies is declining, and their risk of
death in case of serious illness is rising.
would advise these women to eat when they are hungry,” said Satoshi
Sasaki, a professor of preventive epidemiology at the University of
Tokyo School of Public Health. “They should be satisfied with a normal
Fatter men and children
has long been the slimmest industrialized nation, thanks, in part, to a
diet that emphasizes fish, vegetables and small servings. But what
makes people fat around the world — sedentary workplaces, processed food
and lack of exercise — is also making many Japanese fat. Adult men and
children of both sexes are gaining weight at a pace that worries the
government. A quarter-century ago, 20 percent of men in their 50s were
overweight; now, 32 percent are. Attempting to head off heart disease
and other obesity-related illnesses, the government imposed waistline
standards in 2007, requiring girth measurements at work-funded physical
examinations and encouraging the rotund to diet and exercise.
say that for men, who are gaining weight in all age groups, the program
makes considerable sense but that for adult women, it sends exactly the
wrong signals. “The issue of skinny ladies is being overshadowed,” said
Sasaki. “Middle-aged women have the mistaken view that they are all
getting fat.”
Sakiko Ohno, a
cosmetics wholesaler in Tokyo, is one of those worried women. She is 40
and has a BMI of 19.5 — low, but still in the normal range. “I think I
am very fat,” Ohno said repeatedly during an interview. “If I have a
Starbucks muffin, that night I will skip rice and have vegetables.”
‘The critical eye’
who is single, said women pay attention to their weight because
Japanese men prefer petite women and because fashionable clothes are
sized for thin women. “But the real reason why women want to be thin is
so they can look at themselves in the mirror and compare themselves to
other women,” she said.
Researchers have found that Japanese women
in urban areas are significantly thinner than those in rural areas. In
their first year of college, the weight of young Japanese women falls,
unlike that of American women, which increases.
population density is high, women are busy checking out body weight,”
Watanabe said. “They want other people to be fatter than themselves. It
is complicated, competitive and so subtle. The critical eye is
government data show that since 1984, all age categories of women from
20 to 59 have become more thin (BMI of less than 18.5). The percentage
of those women who are overweight (BMI over 25) has declined, as well.
Women in their 60s have neither gained nor lost weight. The only group
of women that has become slightly more overweight is those 70 and older,
and that increase is about 2 percent.
in Japan have found little evidence that rates of serious eating
disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia, are higher in Japan than in the
United States or Europe. But government-funded research studies have
shown that many women of child-bearing age have a misconception of what
it means to be overweight, with up to 40 percent saying that a normal
BMI measurement of 20 or 21 looked fat to them.
Those studies have also found that daily calorie consumption among young women
was often two-thirds of the average adult’s actual energy intake.
Smoking rates among women in their 20s nearly doubled in the 1990s,
jumping from 10 to 20 percent. As in the United States and elsewhere, Japanese women
are bombarded by media images of gorgeous, very thin women — and public
health experts say they believe those images have played a substantial
role in increasing pressure on Japanese women to be skinny.
The American response to such media images puzzles many people in Japan.
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